A couple of my friends are planning a trip to Mussoorie/Dehradun in April so I asked my friend Diya Kapoor (who went to school there) for recommendations. I thought this was brill so figured I’d share in case you’re ever planning a trip!

So Dehradun isn’t worth staying at overnight, I would maybe spend a couple of hours there max, like have lunch at the President Hotel and buy some stick jaws from across the street (the most famous and yummy caramel candy in that area!)
Post that head straight up to Mussoorie, the nicest place to stay would be at the top of the hill at a little place called Rokeby Manor (it’s owned by Sanjay Narang) and is in the perfect location! Really pretty area and view and far away from the chaotic and no-longer-charming bazaar!

It has good food so you can eat there and if you like, one day go down to St. Paul’s Cathedral (just a ten minute walk) and eat some yummy maggie noodles and cheese toast at char dukaan (literally 4 little stalls by the church)!
Another nice walk is to go to sister’s bazaar about twenty minutes away from your hotel, also a pretty walk… There are loads of little nature walks you can do from there depending on how much you want to do. And last but not least if you want to do some proper walking you can go down to Woodstock! That should take you an hour or so 🙂

If you do venture into the bazaar eat at The Clock Tower Cafe (very nice sanwich/pasta/pizza place)… Try and get some good monos which are also popular there but now I don’t know what the best place for them (maybe ask the guy at char dukaan, he would know!)

Awesome, thanks Diya! And Yamini, I did not know that! Now I can’t wait to go 🙂 xoxo