Last night Bollywood stars, Delhi socialites, and fashionistas attended the opening of Gucci‘s 5th store in India to showcase their archival collection.
Seen at the Gucci opening was Ayushman Khuranna, Rahul Khanna, Nargis Fakhri, Armando Branchini, Ashok Wadhwa, Mr.& Mrs Vikram Oberoi, Ranna Gill, Gaurav Gupta, Siddhartha Tytler, Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna, Kapil Chopra, Bela Madan, Shilpa Dhingra, Ammu Saidi, Subodh Gupta, Shabnam Singhal, Mandira Koirala, Amita & Chetan Seth, Ramola Bachchan, Aneesa Dhody, Robbie Mohan, Sangeeta Assomull, Amrita Thakur, Amitabh Kant, Anil & Cheena Vig, Anjana Bhargava, Soumya Khurana, Gunjita Dhawan, Kanika Saluja, and Payal Sen among others. Check out the pix: