*A baby shower is a way to celebrate the pending birth of a child by presenting gifts to the mommy-to-be at the party. (The term “shower” means that the expectant mother is “showered” with gifts!)
Remember my bridal shower? Well last week we decided to have our Desi Mom Parul Kakad‘s baby shower at the same spot, the Jean Claude Biguine salon in Bandra on their lovely terrace, over spa treats and baby games 🙂 Marry Me – The Wedding Planners put together all the decor and games inspired by the idea of our favorite pink & blue bling mama, take a look!
Baby Shower Games
Mommy Says/Daddy Says: This one’s a fun questionnaire for the parents-to-be and a great keepsake for the baby to see when he/she is all grown up!
Safety Pin Game: Another fun one is to give each guest a set of safety pins and explain these rules as they come in, anyone who says the word “baby” has to give up a pin to whoever catches them saying it. At the end of the shower count who has the most pins and give them a prize!
Word Search: There are a bunch of printer friendly baby shower word searches and puzzles online, find one you like and print out enough copies for everyone to play, you can even personalise yours like I did!
Measure Mommy’s Belly: Another easy baby shower game where guests simply cut a string the length they think would fit exactly around mommy’s belly. Then you measure each string around her belly to find the closest match!
Baby Bottle Drinking Race: Fill enough baby bottles with the juice of your choice and have all your guests race to drink it up, the fastest to finish wins!
The Chocolate Diaper Game: Be warned, this one’s a little gross! Get a selection of different chocolates and smush them each up in a diaper for your guests to sniff and identify what chocolates they are. (Not for the faint hearted. *LOL*)
Cupcake Cuteness!
Loads more pictures here!
To host your baby shower at JCB contact: achhetri@biguineindia.com
For baby shower planning contact: info@marrymeweddings.in
Pix: Khyati Gandhi for MissMalini