You know how much I love pink right? So imagine my excitement when I heard they were lighting the Sea Link PINK for a cause I support! That’s right! #Awesome. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Estée Lauder’s breast cancer awareness campaign, Mumbai’s Bandra-Worli sea link turns pink for a week this October along with iconic landmarks around the world. The message is simple, so tell all your girls; Early detection saves lives. It’s as simple as that. Spread the word and hold a hand to give the people you love the courage to do regular and super simple self examinations, the life you save could be your own.

As part of The BCA Campaign’s Global Landmarks Illumination Initiative, the BWSL joins an illustrious league of international landmarks like the Empire State Building (New York, USA), Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia), Louvre Museum (Paris, France), Burj Al-Arab (Dubai, UAE), Beijing Olympic Pool (Beijing, China), Cristo Redentor (Rio, Brazil), Tokyo Tower (Tokyo, Japan), Parliament Building (Ottawa, Canada) among many others (600 in all!) that have been a part of this global tradition, every October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For one week starting yesterday the BWSL will glow pink from 7:30pm onwards every evening.
Remember when they lit up The Pink Palace?