These three usually jaunty gentlemen were out and about on Thurs night, but the big Q is: did they bring their A game? Click through to find out 😉

Anil Kapoor. *sigh* This man needs a little primer on how to do pocket square, ‘cos once again he got it wrong. Which is a shame, really, as the fit of his suit was immaculate, and the tie and pocket square were gorgeous − but a tad matchy-matchy.

Okay, it wasn’t an exact match as the patterns were different, but they were the same shades of navy and grey. Yeah, guys, take note: your pocket square should not match with anything else you’ve on, except in the case of white shirt, when you can go for a white pocket square but it has to be folded into a rectangle. I’ll still let him pass but…

…Rahul Bose, no bleeding way! Just look how his trousers are puddling around the ankles. Very surprising, really, given how regularly he gets it right. However, what really startled me was that he bloody matched the pocket square to his shirt, both of which were lilac!! Hmmmm… Must’ve bought them two as a set – at a cut price. *tut*tut* Mr Bose, didn’t expect it from you…

But who got it abso-f***in’-lutely right was Rahul Khanna. I’ve no nitpicking to do here. That was a beaut, R!
Actually, scrap that. The best-dressed uomo on Thurs night was… Yash Birla. Just where does he buy all his clobber from?? Someone please fill me in!