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Starbucks India Has Arrived!

Starbucks India Has Arrived!

Malini Agarwal
Geetu Wadhera with son Ishaan at Starbucks Mumbai
Geetu Wadhera with son Ishaan at Starbucks Mumbai

Apparently there was mega mayhem on Day 1 of the Starbucks opening in Fort. My friends Naveen & Geetu Wadherawent to check it out and sent me some pix (thanks guys!) In fact they got in line about a 100 (people) deep to make their maiden order. They tell me the set up is ace (and the frappucino was legit!) Probably the first frappy served on the subcontinent! Mumbai, I love you even more now.

PS. What do you think of  Starbucks opening up shop in India? I have a friend interviewing Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, next week on CNBC, maybe I can get him a message!  xoxo

Starbucks at Fort, Mumbai
Starbucks at Fort, Mumbai
Starbucks at Fort, Mumbai
Starbucks at Fort, Mumbai