OMG, how handsome are we looking? Rahul Khanna is playing show stopper for Vikram Phadnis tonight in Hyderabad. As I type actually (yup my people are everywhere!) he’s hanging out with Sarah Jane Dias and Shazahn Padamsee on this leg of the travelling fashion extravaganza and you can follow ALL the action LIVE on Twitter, just visit the hashtag #BPFT2012, I’ll tweet you there.
PS. Next stop Delhi!

Behind the Scenes at the Blenders Pride Fashion Tour, Delhi 2011
Here’s a little flashback to 2011 (since I appear to have tweeted myself back in time today and tagged #BPFT2011 in a couple of my tweets, oops!) so I’ll make up for it with a little flashback fun with the PR peeps who run the show on the Blenders Pride Fashion Tour each year, they’re the sweetest! xoxo
- Reynu Tandon, Minissha Lamba and Vinod Nair

Overheard from the 2nd Row…
Girl 1: I can’t believe some people fuss about sitting in the front row so much *hmmph* I don’t even care.
Girl 2: Ya ya, I gave my seat up to some aunty who was too excited *giggles*
Girl 1: *midway through show* Ooooh I love that dress…
Girl 2: Ya me too, I’m definitely buying two.
Girl 1: Ya ya, me also.
Delhi fashion weekends are too much fun 🙂 #CantHardlyWait!