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5 Memories From My Childhood…

5 Memories From My Childhood…

Malini Agarwal

While I was taking Twitter questions yesterday I was reminded of some of the stuff I loved growing up. So first here’s a picture of 5-year-old me…

Little MissMalini
Little MissMalini

And now here are 5 things that remind me MOST of my childhood 🙂 make sure you tell me yours in the comments below! xoxo

1. My Little Pony

…all skinny and bony. Remember these little guys? They were all the rage and came with a comb so you brush their hair. Mine was called bowtie and I loved her. Now she’s considered “vintage” *lol*


2. Glo Friends

It’s funny the things you remember from when you were little right? I recall being totally mesmerised as one of the older kids would make up fantastic adventures for us about this little glow-in-the dark snail and his various glo-friends while flying our little go-bugs all around the IFS colony parking lot in Delhi!


3. The Muppets

All my friends know this about me, I LOVE The Muppets. To this day I love The Muppets which is why I loved the movie and totally enjoyed this play 🙂 growing up I hummed this song all the time (and now I use it to make my nephews laugh!)

My all-time favorite Muppet however has to be the wild drummer, Animal.

4. Playmobil

Remember these guys?! (My husband does.) I spent hours constructing make-believe cities in my living-room with my brother. Good times.


5. Atari

When video games (and life) were simpler. Enough Said.