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Organic Clothes that Cure!

Organic Clothes that Cure!

Ranjit Rodricks
Jatin Kochhar (extreme right) with models in his clothes
Jattinn Kochhar (extreme right) with models in his clothes

Delhi-based designer Jattinn Kochhar has recently launched a range of eco-friendly organic herbal clothing under the label Tatha Vastram Jattinn Kochhar, with the aim to promote healthy and good living.

Jattinn Kochhar
Jattinn Kochhar

Says the designer, “For the first time in India, people can wear organic cotton clothing with selected herbs permanently infused, using age old methods and techniques, which delivers a host of benefits for overall well being. The healing value of Herbal Clothing and its usage is based on the principle of touch. The skin is the body’s largest organ and wearing herbal clothing improves the skin’s natural ability to resist and block harmful chemicals and toxins from entering the body”.

Herbal clothing, apparently, helps in fighting many common and prevalent diseases such as hypertension, heart ailments, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, skin infections, etc. depending on the herbs used. This line of clothing is completely free of synthetic chemicals and toxic irritants and is totally organic, sustainable and biodegradable.

Some of the herbs infused in the garments are aloe vera, saraca asoca (ashoka), wild basil (tulsi), adhatoda vasika, cedar, momosa pudica (lajjalu), piper nigrum (black pepper), jasminum multipartitum (wild jasmine) and azima tetracantha (neddle bush).