Recently, Vidya Balan met with the women and kids of the village Lusa in Mirzapur, and spent time interacting with them, singing songs, and speaking of the importance of education. Very fitting for her name, right? 🙂 We already gave you a peak at the event, and now we have some more details of how things unfolded!
Apparently, practically the entire village was waiting since early morning to catch a glimpse of Vidya, and Vidya – who has a knack of identifying well with people – lived up to their expectations with her warm smile and disarming attitude. She spent ages listening to the women, who spoke about how they fought hard to send their girls to school.
When speaking with the children, she impressed upon them the need of education, and one little girl told her that she’d like to study more and be a working woman like Vidya when she grew up. Someone commented saying that education wasn’t required to become an actor, and Vidya replied with a quick, “Padhai kabhi khali nahi jaati.” (Education never goes to waste.)
I think it’s a great initiative that Vidya, Nihar Naturals and CRY India have taken together. In the day and age where everyone is trying to out-glam the other, it’s nice to see that Vidya manages to stand out from it all – in her films and in real life. After all, who better to champion the cause of vidya than Vidya? 🙂