The young and spritely actress Bhavna Ruparel – who makes her Bollywood debut in Chal Pichchur Banate Hain – literally has acting in her blood. Her sister, Pooja Ruparel, essayed the role of Chutki so effortlessly in Dilwale Dulhaiya Le Jayenge and her cousin, Sonakshi Sinha, needs no introduction after her stellar village belle performance in Dabangg.
With two actresses already in the family, it comes as no surprise that Bhavna has the flair for acting and she has already begun shooting for a Telugu movie, which will soon be followed by a Tamil movie. Read on for my exclusive interview with her!
What is your role about in Chal Pichchur Banate Hain ?
Well like they say, behind every successful man there is a woman’s hand. I play the role of that woman in Suraj Kumar’s (Rahil Tandon) journey. I play his love interest and his guiding strength throughout the movie.
How did you bag the role? Was it difficult?
Well I was in Mumbai with my mother and had gone to meet a photographer for a campaign that I had been short listed for. When I was returning I got an message on my Facebook about there being this audition for this movie which happened to be around the area I was in. I decided to pop by and give the audition. Before I knew it, I had been called for the next round of auditions followed by a look test and one audition with Rahil. And the rest, as they say, is history…
Tell us about some interesting things that happened on the sets while shooting? Pranks/ embarrassing moments etc?
Well the movie was shot eighty percent in Goa around end December 2011 to early Jan 2012. So you can imagine the kind of one big party the set was. The set was super fun and even after pack up, we bonded with each other like one big family.
I think the funniest was when shooting at Fort Aguada an onlooker asked my spot boy “Pichchur ka naam Kay Hain?” and my spot-boy said “Chal Pichchur Bantae Hain…!” The onlooker very seriously looked at him and said, “Kya mazak kar rage ho sirrr?”
The honesty with which he said that really cracked me up.
What kind of roles do you want to explore in Bollywood?
I’m here to act and display my skill, so pretty much any role that allows me to do that, is what I’m looking forward to. Apart from CPBH I’m currently doing a Telugu film titled Sukumardu and after which, I will also do a Tamil one. So as far as acting is concerned, the sky is the limit and language definitely not a barrier.
Check out Bhavna and Rahil in the song Baanwra Mann (from the film) sung by Shaan and Sunidhi Chauhan
* Chal Pichchur Bantae Hain is currently showing in theatres around India.