It’s comforting to know that the kids (of all ages) from my generation seem to enjoy watching videos like this around the world for what I suppose you could call “recreational purposes” 🙂 Here are two we watched today while discussing whether the “stars” of these videos were pulling an Ali G and just playing goofy or are really like this even up close and personal. You be the judge! Watch and leave me a comment below. I voted that they are so not kidding and are genuinely like this in real life. In my defense, have you met Bappi Lahiri? Rashmi help me out here…
PS. There’s a dance move in here you’ll be wanting to learn!
“Gangnam Style” is a 2012 K-pop single by the South Korean rapper PSY and it has the most views as a K-pop song on YouTube.
Wilbur Sargunaraj is a performing artist from Tamil Nadu and widely known as India’s first YouTube sensation, with nearly 3.1 million views for his music and instructional videos. His aim? Making the common man extra-ordinary.