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My Day as a Manish Malhotra Model!

My Day as a Manish Malhotra Model!

Malini Agarwal
MissMalini at IIJW
MissMalini at IIJW
Anmol at IIJW
Ishu Dattani of Anmol at IIJW

Oh My God, how fun was that! Looking back I remember a day filled with friendly faces, a daunting walk, a delightful designer and princess mode on full blast for about 30 seconds 🙂 Here’s what it’s like getting to walk for the legendary Manish Malhotra choreographed by Lubna Adams bejeweled in Ishu Dattani’s Anmol emeralds and diamonds at India International Jewelry Week 2012. Check out my day in pictures (and tweets!), say hello to my fellow stylist/editor fashionistas who were so very warm and absolutely gorgeous themselves and tell me what you think of us landing up on ramp! Either way, I look forward to our next glass of wine together ladies 🙂
PS. Big love to Surelee Joseph for teaching me the both-hands-on-hips-pose just before the show began, mwah! xoxo

The girls!
Manish Malhotra’s store

(Psst!: The store is a must visit even just for a look at the Manish Malhotra bridal collection! Beautiful!)

IIJW backstage
Candice Pinto
MissMalini backstage
backstage with the girls
Ami Patel
Ekta Rajani
Antara Motiwala
Karena Laungani
Karuna Laungani
MissMalini and Robbie Mairh
rehearsals at IIJW
Antara Motiwala, MissMalini and Manish Malhotra
MissMalini and Manish Malhotra
The girls in Manish Malhotra creations
Ranjit Rodricks, MissMalini and Achla Sachdev
MissMalini and friends

Loads more pix here if you wanna see! 🙂