I’m sure you remember Marry Me – The Wedding Planners who had put together the Best Beach Wedding for MissMalini. They are now launching Marry Me – The Store; an extension to their brand. Candice Pereira and Jarret D’Abreo, co-founders of the Marry Me parent company, have hand picked a unique selection of home décor, gifts, accessories, packaging options and more!

Whether you have to attend a housewarming party, a friend’s wedding or even if it is your own wedding; this store has something for every occasion. We caught up with Candice Pereira and she took us on a small tour of what the store has to offer. Watch this video to find out:
They have some lovely trousseau packaging and mehendi gift bag ideas. Candice speaks about the items available at the store, “We have put together unique pieces which lend an interesting feel to the store. We have painstakingly selected each item and hope that our customers will love them as much as we do.” They even have the option of customised gifting, especially for Indian weddings.

I really like that this store is located at Candies, which is one of my favourite Bandra restaurants, so whenever I go there to grab a bite I’d be sure to pop in for some pretty presents too! The store has a very European look, dominated by French influences in the interiors as well as products. Best part – the price range is totally affordable with items starting from Rs.50 – Rs.1500.

Marry Me – The Store
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Candies @ Mac Ronells, 5AA Pali Hill, Near Learners Academy, Bandra (W) Mumbai 400050, India
Telephone: +91-9769682323
Website: www.marrymeweddings.in
Email: info@marrymeweddings.in