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MissMalini’s #LetsNailIt Party!

MissMalini’s #LetsNailIt Party!

Malini Agarwal
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party

Like I tweeted, I spent Friendship day with my girlfriends over gossip and girlie-time (while my husband took pictures mwahahaha!) I actually hosted my first “Lets Nail It” party where we tried on all sorts of cool shades by Maybelline New York and my favorite part, nail art stickers! You know what’s really cool?

Maybelline New York #LetsNailItParty
Maybelline New York #LetsNailItParty

You can host a party like this with your girlfriends too! They’ll even send you a range of nail paints and chocolates and you and your BFFs can have a blast, just click here to apply!

Facebook Like! sensationalmaybelline

Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party

Psst! Here’s a little tip I picked up, use a pair of tweezers when applying nail art stickers, that way you can get the placement just right and the glue doesn’t get used up on your fingers 🙂 xoxo

Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party Stickers
MissMalini, Ami, Zeenat and Andrea
Maybelline New York #LetsNailIt Party