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Who is Your BFF? Rhea Kapoor, Siddhartha Mallya, Achla Sachdev and Amy Jackson Reveal All!

Who is Your BFF? Rhea Kapoor, Siddhartha Mallya, Achla Sachdev and Amy Jackson Reveal All!

Ranjit Rodricks
Amy Jackson

Since today is Friendship Day, we spent the last two days at Lakme Fashion Week asking a few of our favourite celebrities who their best friends were! We also asked them how they met their best friend and what are the bestest times they have had together.

This is the first of two videos and it features Rhea Kapoor, Siddhartha Mallya, Achla Sachdev and Amy Jackson.

Listen in to what they have to say:

Part two will be up tomorrow so look out for it 🙂

Happy Friendship Day to you from Team MissMalini