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Blake Lively’s Molten!

Blake Lively’s Molten!

Zina Tasreen
Blake Lively starring in the Gucci Première fragrance ad
A golden Blake…

Remember reading about Blake Lively’s new Gucci gig here? We showed you the print ad for it last month, and now  it’s time for the short film, which just landed, a month ahead of schedule, and… it’s just oozing with glam. How glossy is she looking, I’d so buy whatever she’s selling! Click through to watch… you know you want to 😉

Blake Live starring in the Gucci Première fragrance short film
Spritzing away…

As already mentioned, the short was shot by Drive’s director Nicolas Winding Refn, at the famed Sheats Goldstein Residence in Hollywood, where the print ad too was done. It starts off with Blake, clad in a gold-sequined long sleeve, backless Gucci (??) gown, taking in the panoramic view of the city through the sky-high glass windows. She then makes her way to a lift, but, she decides to stop by to spritz some of that Gucci Première fragrance, an act which transports her in her mind to a set in a desert where, in high heels, she walks towards a giant fan. Or something like that. I was too distracted by Blake’s metallic hair and slinky gown to figure what’s going on in there. But gotta say, Blake’s totes nailing the Old Hollywood glamour that Gucci is going for with this scent.