Nonita Kalra is the charming and effervescent Editor-in-Chief of Elle India. MissMalini loves her style, attitude and most of all her sense of humor 🙂 xoxo

MissMalini Tell us about the Working Girl Special…
Nonita Kalra: It’s about simple, trendy ways to be stylish at work and yet flaunt your individuality too. In 150 ways — because that’s the number of pieces we have shortlisted for your power dressing wardrobe.
MM: What are the 5 must haves in your work wardrobe?
NK: My red Repetto flats. My Cartier Tank watch. My slate blue Fendi bag. My collection of black dresses. And my Havianas — which live under my desk. I always slip out of my heels and into my flip flops when I am at work.
MM: How do you go from work to va va voom if you don’t get time to go home and change?
NK: A red mouth and a statement neckpiece have worked like a charm always.
MM: Your Top 5 places to shop?
NK: Bombay Electric, Rajesh Pratap at Courtyard, Bungalow 8, Good Earth & the Internet!
MM: Does Indian-wear fly at the office anymore?
NK: Not so much in Bombay but in Delhi it is such a delight to see the different fabrics and weaves of India. It is my personal mission to bring it back and make it trendy again…
MM: What’s your go to hair do?
NK: A messy pony tail. While I can do my own I prefer to let Ity Agarwal from Psalm 23 artfully arrange it into a neat mess.
MM: I always have a miserable time packing! What should I pack for work/party trips?
NK: Never make the mistake of going out and shopping for a bunch of new stuff before you go for any trip. You almost always end up looking awkward and ill at ease. Pack old favorites that work for you. And pack in the same color shade so that you can minimize your work day shoes. Always pack one fabulous dress and an incredible pair of heels — this one is just for yourself. And yes, save every beauty sample you get and carry that in your travel kit. It leaves you with so much room for all your shopping later.
MM: Working Fashionista Lisa Haydon is your cover girl what made you pick her?
NK: Because Lisa is a working girl her self — and a really hard working one. It helps that she is gorgeous. Inside and outside.
MM: Who according to you are the 5 most stylish people in B-Town?
NK: Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, SRK, Arjun Rampal and Farhan Akhtar.
MM: Tell us a style secret that’s all your own!
NK: Be age appropriate and shape appropriate. Nothing looks worse than a woman who has forgotten these style rules.
Look out for Elle India’s Working Girl Special out August 2012.