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My Blog, Your Life: Mommy-to-be Checklist!

My Blog, Your Life: Mommy-to-be Checklist!

Home With Heena

Isn’t she gorgeous? My friend Heena Jain (who you also know as The Kitchen Butterfly is having a baby any day now! We’re all totally excited and can’t wait to meet little Baby Jain. So I thought I’d ask her for a quick baby checklist in case you wanted to compare notes 🙂
Psst! If you’d like to share Your Life on My Blog please write to info@missmalini.com. xoxo

Heena Jain
Heena Jain

Pregnancy Prep – Top 10

1) Register for and attend prenatal exercise classes (I attend Sonali’s classes at Clay Wellness in Pali Hill)
2) Register for and attend pregnancy and baby care information sessions (with hubby).
3) Research and register for hospital.
4) Read pregnancy guide books (I’ve been reading Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis, Judith Schuler).

Your Pregnancy Week by Week by Glade B. Curtis

5) Register on babycenter.com, for additional weekly emails and pregnancy tips.
6) Research baby products & safety information (for strollers, bouncers, car seats, cribs, etc).
7) Shop for all baby necessities (items mentioned above and nursery items).
8) Research and meet with local pediatricians and nannies (if you’re planning to have one).
9) Set up nursery, wash baby clothes, linens, etc and pack hospital bag.
10) Spend some quality time with the hubby and get all the rest you can before baby comes 🙂

Akash and Heena Jain