I love my girl friends, and almost everyday on our BBM group we share with each other fashion or girl quotes and jokes that really perk up our day. We all need a pick me up considering most men out there have no clue about what they want OR worse, what WE want. So here are 10 fashion statements/jokes we love to quote, cause let’s face it, we really do believe them! 🙂
1) Have some standards!

2) Adorable and so true!

Alece Birnbach has some amazing fashion art with quotes like these, it was seriously tough to select only a few to show you. Do a Google search for her when you’re next with your girlies, you’re going to laugh for hours!
3) Here is one all us girls can relate to..

4) I’m guilty are you?

5) Agree or Disagree?

6) I’m going to quote this soon!

7) Why so pessimistic Mr.Wilde?

8) Damn you weather!

9) The harsh truth

10) You know he is a player if he says..