Chanel just announced that its famous Chanel No. 5 perfumes, for the first time, will be endorsed by a man. It had to be the most desirable man known to earth (obviously) – Brad Pitt. Yet, what brings this big change? I mean, Chanel No. 5 has been associated with women every since it’s creation. Some of the most talented and successful actresses like Audrey Tatou and Nicole Kidman (to name a few) have in the past been the face of No. 5.

In fact, the biggest boost for the perfume was the famous Marilyn Monroe, who when asked what she wears to bed said “Why, Chanel No. 5, of course”. But that was then, and this is now, which leads me to yet another question. Are women today more inspired by men who tempt us into buying the products they are selling? I think Chanel is aiming for the allure of a woman being able to find an alfa man like Brad Pitt, the catch being – only if we wear Chanel No. 5. Very smart Chanel, but will it work? We’ll just have to wait for those campaign photos!