My favorite girl in the world Diya Kapoor can pretty much sing any old desi jingle for you on demand with ALL the lyrics. I asked her if she’d do a blog for me about the 10 she remembers most growing up and figured you could add yours to the list in the comments below! xoxo

So having grown up in with a dad in advertising, it’s no surprise that our entire household ate, slept, discussed, debated, dreamt and breathed ads! Can you believe even our “quality time” was spent watching international ad reels to see the newest stuff around the world? So of course I still love to watch, analyze and comment on the advertising of the day, from the cute pug Vodafone uses, to the bizzare “Onn hai to Don hai” campaign I can’t believe SRK has endorsed (really Shah Rukh?! You broke my heart with that one.) But no matter what I see on the telly these days, nothing can match the magic of the old school ads we watched growing up… and anyone who’s over a certain 3-0 today will surely be able to relate 🙂 Here are my Top 10 Ads from the Old Days:
1. Lijjat Papad

“Eh he he, eh he he” scary, freaky bunny which I doubt anyone ever forgot!
2. Nirma

“Iski jhaag ne jaadu kar diya!”
3. Bombay Dyeing

“…for my dream lover is a Bombay Dyeing man….” (And Karan Kapoor was quite the hottie!)
4. Maggi

“Bus do minute!” Need I say more?
5. Vimal

“Beautiful people all girls wanted to be.”
6. Citra

“Citra super cooler!”Definitely one of the funnest jingles around! (Looks like they’re bringing this one back.)
7. Sil Jams

“I could eat the whole bottle” who could resist those grown ups talking like kids?!
8. Thumbs Up

“Taste the thunder!” every guy’s dream, every girl’s macho fantasy.
9. Onida TV

“Neighbours envy, owners pride!” That little devil that everyone loved.
10. Gold Spot

“The zing ting” had all of us feeling like we were in a dance video ala footloose 🙂 (In fact Siddartha Khosla decided to name his band after his favorite childhood fizzy drink!)
Psst! Ever wonder where these TV star kids ended up? SRK asked on Twitter some time ago too so we researched it up and found a bunch, take a look! And don’t forget to tell me your favorite desi jingles from way back when…