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MissMalini’s Hottie of the Day: Shah Rukh Khan

MissMalini’s Hottie of the Day: Shah Rukh Khan

Sue Castellino
Shahrukh Khan

I can’t believe I haven’t done a post on the KING! Just realized today that Shah Rukh Khan has never been a MissMalini Hottie (although we all love him in the office), how could it have slipped my mind!?

Sorry folks, my bad. Here he is, what can you really say about this guy that has never been said? Men and women go gaga over him, they all want to be with him and aspire to be him. His rags to riches story along with those dimple have got many women’s (and men’s) heart a flutter. After all wasn’t he the one who said “You can love me or hate me but… you can’t ignore me.”

Shahrukh Khan