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MissMalini Exclusive: Lisa Haydon Sends out a Little Love to Our Readers!

MissMalini Exclusive: Lisa Haydon Sends out a Little Love to Our Readers!

Sue Castellino
Lisa Haydon
Lisa Haydon

I met up with the fun loving and free spirited Lisa Haydon yesterday for an afternoon of fashion and to look at all her fabulous clothes (I know lucky me!). You’ll have to wait a few more days for that, so keep checking back here for her Girl About Town, Cleaning Out my Closet post, it’s seriously fierce!

Since Lisa was on holiday when we put up the contest and while answering your questions, she didn’t get a chance to personally thank all the readers who had participated and especially the winners. So she gave us a very special byte for the 5 winners and all you guys who took part in our Lisa Loves Sher Singh contest. Here is what she had to say.