“Discover new music. Meet like-minded people from the scene. And if that’s not enough, booze at wallet friendly prices!”
The only reason I discovered Live from the Console is because my buddy Microphon3 posted it on his Facebook wall and boy am I glad I went! Finally Mumbai has a grungy live urban music scene with a young vibe at the perfect venue, Mehboob Studio and they have RedBull! Sounds perfect to me 🙂
Here’s a snatch of my boy Tanmay Bahulekar aka Microphon3 spitting fire.
So basically, Live from The Console is a coming together of fresh musical talent & like-minded people. The idea is to give bands a new, alternative platform to showcase their music & you to discover it! Basically bolting beyond Sheila, Munni and Mutton. *Lol* #LoveIt
I promise to keep you posted on their next gig, till then Facebook Like livefromtheconsole and for the Twitter happy they’re @consoletweets. Get it? Got it. Good!