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Will the Real Demi Moore Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Demi Moore Please Stand Up?

Ranjit Rodricks
Demi Moore in 1991 on the cover of Vanity Fair
Demi Moore in 1991 on the cover of Vanity Fair

Way back in 1991, Hollywood star Demi Moore shocked the world by posing pregnant and nude on the cover of Vanity Fair. It was shot by Annie Leibovitz and garnered reams of newsprint across the world.

The latest to pose the same way is pop star Jessica Simpson on the cover of Elle (April 2012 issue). And if that is not enough of copy-cat-syndrome, German supermodel Claudia Schiffer did it to last year for Vogue (Deutschland).

Claudia Shiffer (top) and Jessica Simpson (bottom) copy Demi Moore's iconic pose
Claudia Shiffer (top) and Jessica Simpson (bottom) copy Demi Moore’s iconic pose

What I can’t fathom is why they have all copied Demi Moore’s iconic pose? And we grumble about Bollywood copying from Hollywood! They however, seem to take the cake!