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Are We There Yet? MissMalini’s Relationship Survey # 1

Are We There Yet? MissMalini’s Relationship Survey # 1

Malini Agarwal
MissMalini Survey
MissMalini Survey

Question: After how long of seeing someone would you say you’re in a “relationship” with them?

So here’s what happened. Sitting around with some friends somehow this topic came up tonight; the response I tweeted was actually from a guy pal (go figure, right?) and I like some of the Facebook “observations” you guys made as to why you thought as much:

Facebook responses
Facebook responses

Interesting! So what is the time-protocol after which you either fasten your seat-belt or deplane? I’d love to know. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the matter in the comments below (the boys who say 3-6months have promised to explain their “trial phase” logic too.) Wait for it…

My take: pretty much as soon as you start hanging out everyday; it’s on, like Donkey Kong.