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It’s a Slapstick, Slapfest – Some of the Best Jokes Doing the Rounds on the SRK-Shirish Kunder #Slapgate

It’s a Slapstick, Slapfest – Some of the Best Jokes Doing the Rounds on the SRK-Shirish Kunder #Slapgate

Ranjit Rodricks
Shirish Kunder at Sanjay Dutt’s party in Mumbai last night

In light of the #slapgate between Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and director Shirish Kunder, the Twitterati have gone to town with some truly tongue-in-cheek comments.

Here are a few which stood out…..

Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes
Shah Rukh Khan is reportedly very angry with Shirish Kunder
Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes
Slapfest jokes