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Designer Rocky S Has an Eclectic Designer Wardrobe – For His Puppy!

Designer Rocky S Has an Eclectic Designer Wardrobe – For His Puppy!

Ranjit Rodricks
Rocky's pet doggy, Smokey
Rocky’s pet doggy, Smokey

A number of celebrities pamper their pooches with exotic holidays, indulgent spa treatments and even diamond encrusted collars. Our very own favourite designer, Rocky S, also loves to indulge his pet doggy, Smokey, with cute clothes.

The Sherlock Holmes style outfit (above), was gifted to Smokey by Rocky’s friend, Evelyn Sharma, and don’t you think he looks oh-so-adorable?

Smokey poses proudly for the camera
Smokey poses proudly for the camera

And here’s another photo of Smokey, looking like he’s all ready to face the chills of winter. Now if only Rocky would design some “Rocky S. Originals” for Smokey, the pooch’s wardrobe will be totally complete. What say?