Heroine has to be the most controversial Madhur Bhandarkar film ever. The cast has undergone so many changes, its almost hard to keep track of who’s finally on-board. So, after Kareena Kapoor decided to return to the project post the news of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan‘s pregnancy, we really thought that was it. But, Arunoday Singh who was supposed to play a young cricketer having a passionate affair with Kareena’s character has been replaced with Randeep Hooda. Randeep was fab in Sahib Biwi Aur Gangster and the industry is abuzz with talk that Madhur feels he’s perfect for the role.
There are also rumors suggesting that Kareena refused to act in intimate scenes with newbie Arunoday and picked a more seasoned actor Randeep instead. Why would Kareena do such a thing? So weird! This actually takes me back to the scene in Aisha with Sonam Kapoor where Arunoday shows up at the door shirtless and he has a perfect bod.
I thought he looked super hot and we loved him in Yeh Saali Zindagi as well. So while this replacement sucks, we really hope that with or without Heroine, we see a lot more of Arunoday on the silver screen. And are the makers of Heroine ever going to make up their mind about the final cast?