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Trend Spotting at the India Resort Fashion Week 2011 Announcement (The Future’s Orange!)

Trend Spotting at the India Resort Fashion Week 2011 Announcement (The Future’s Orange!)

Ranjit Rodricks
Shalini Chuganee, COO, India Resort Fashion Week 2011
Shalini Chuganee, COO, India Resort Fashion Week 2011

Some people live fashion every moment of their life and it need not be over-the-top and in your face. Sometimes, just a smidgen of the right shade of lipstick can do wonders. And where the fashion frat are concerned, can they ever be out of style?

We noticed orange being a very trendy colour at the press announcement for the very first India Resort Fashion Week 2011, held in Mumbai on Tuesday afternoon.

Designers Nikhil Mehra and Narendra Kumar
Designers Nikhil Mehra and Narendra Kumar

Shalini Chuganee, COO of the IRFW2011 wore a super shade of orange lipstick by MAC called So Chaud (“Chaud” = Hot, in French). And if that’s not enough, designer Shantanu Mehra wore an awesome orange watch while Narendra Kumar accessorized his trousers with an orange belt!

So if three haute fashion folk are sporting orange this season, it’s definitely the IN colour to wear!