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Sher Singh Launches India’s First Online Global Lifestyle Brand

Sher Singh Launches India’s First Online Global Lifestyle Brand

Malini Agarwal
Sher SIngh Launch, Delhi
Sher SIngh Launch, Delhi

So you saw this awesome behind the scenes shoot I was at right? Well the week after that I flew over to Delhi for the official launch of Sher Singh with brand ambassador and co-investor Zaheer Khan and model, actress, producer and co-investor Sushma Reddy! (And of course my peeps over at Sher Singh, Sunjay Guleria, Sonny & Preeti Caberwal. Good times! Check it out 🙂

Mohini Boparai, MissMalini and Preeti Caberwal

What really stood apart for me is the quality of Sher Singh products, they revealed at the press conference that product testing showed these to be on par (and in things like embroidery, even surpass) internationally renown brands like Tommy Hilfiger. (Plus I can personally vouch for the fact that if you wear a Sher Singh garment you will feel the difference immediately.) #WIN
Psst! if you like the Sher Singh dress I’m wearing, win it here!

Sonny Caberwal, Sushma Reddy, Preeti Caberwal and Sunjay Guleria
Shivani Mehta
Mohini Boparai, MissMalini and Sushma Reddy
Sher Singh Launch, Delhi

And Then We Got to Hang Out in Zaheer Khan’s Room!

That’s right! Drool away ladies (and fellow cricket fans) this is us being “Zaheer’s Angels” (and utter goofballs) while he signed Sher Singh Polos (win them on www.shersingh.in soon!) and discussed ideas for his next line of Sher Singh shirts (yummay!)

MissMalini and Zaheer Khan
Zaheer Khan
Sher Singh Launch, Delhi

Check out the Sher Singh Nation on www.sheringh.in and loads more Facebook pix from the official launch here! xoxo