Suri Cruise and other young fashionistas can now officially rejoice. Chanel – the Mother of all Haute Couture brands has introduced online games for young fashion-conscious tykes on a new micro-site.

Called, the site also has extensive information on the history of Chanel – but that is meant for older readers like yourself.

To check out the site, go to and for the kiddie games, click on Kid’s Space right at the bottom of the page.

There are two games to choose from. The first allows you to go wild by colouring iconic Chanel motifs like the camellia flower, a floppy Chanel hat or the famous Chanel bow.

The second game will have the child-in-you rushing against time to match classic Chanel symbols on a grid.

Try it out here.

Downer: The god-awful elevator music that plays in the background. Put your speakers off when you are on-line.

My tip: Forget Karl Lagerfeld’s perfectionist eye for colour. Just go wild on the colouring page, mixing and matching arbit colours. Create your own Chanel style. You can even download your “creations”.