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How Cute Is This? It’s Utterly Butterly Cuteness!

How Cute Is This? It’s Utterly Butterly Cuteness!

Ranjit Rodricks
The latest Amul advertisement
The latest Amul advertisement

Rahul daCunha and his gang at daCunha Communications have done it again! These brilliant mins behind the Amul Butter campaign have now released an advertisement which commemorates (or celebrates?) the Seven Billionth person’s birth, which is ironically a baby girl in Uttar Pradesh.

The legendary Amul Girl with the polka-dot bow in her hair has never been cuter. How about merchandising a line of dolls in her various avataars, Rahul? It would be  great collectible for us and a money-spinner for you! Royalties in the form of free butter, in case you bite into the idea.