Fifteen girls! Nine weeks! And three judges! That’s what it takes to put together a reality show to find the next Kingfisher Calendar Girl. And only ONE from among these fifteen, will go on to win a coveted space in the annual Kingfisher calendar which is launched at a much-anticipated party in India, every year.

The unveiling of the show at Mehboob Studios in Bandra saw actress Sonam Kapoor guiding the contestants along with judges Atul Kasbekar (he shoots the images for the calendar every year), Milind Soman (no introduction needed there) and hottie model Ujjwala Raut, who is one of the few Indian models to make it big abroad.
Of course, the Mallya men – Dr. Vijay Mallya and his son Siddharth – were on hand to launch the first look of the reality show and joining them in the celebration were singer Anu Mallik, actress Shahana Goswami, designers Neeta and Nishka Lulla, Olive’s A.D. Singh and designer Narendra Kumar Ahmed.
To catch the excitement glamour and suspense of who will emerge winner and will be immortalized in 10th issue of the Kingfisher Swimsuit Special, tune in to NDTV GOODTIMES, Monday to Wednesday with the repeat on Thursday at 10:30 pm starting October 17th 2011.