Two new shows, one comic strip. The Hunt for the Kingfisher Calendar Girl about to start, which means other shows are going to have a hard time trying to grab the ratings! At the Kingfisher event was Siddarth Mallya, Atul Kasbekar, Neeta and Nishka Lulla, Shahana Goswami, Nisha Jamvwal, Akbar Khan, Ujjwala Raut, Anu Mallik, Milind Soman and Sonam Kapoor. The Dewarist another new show about Music with a travel edge is going to have to try and come up with interesting ways to stay on top. With artist like Monica Dogra, Imogen Heap and Indian Ocean
they don’t need bikini clad girls. That aside, lets read the strip, this time I’m really sorry about the seriously sad jokes, but I looked at the pictures and this is what came to my mind.

The Dewarist