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Blenders Pride Fashion Tour – Be Red Carpet Ready, Priyanka Chopra Style!

Blenders Pride Fashion Tour – Be Red Carpet Ready, Priyanka Chopra Style!

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Blenders Pride Fashion Tour
Blenders Pride Fashion Tour

Which of PC’s outfits & fashion accessories do you most want to own? Read on for auction details…

By the way I’m pretty psyched to go to Kolkata for the first time (ever) this weekend for the Blenders Pride Fashion Tour 🙂 Two reasons this trip is going to be extra awesome 1) Priyanka Chopra is going to be there and we get to hang out! and 2) Nowshad Rizwanullah my fiance speaks fluent Bengali! Wait for a city tour plus all the action from BPFT on MissMalini.com. For now tho I suggest you hit up their Facebook page and pick your favorite fashion item from PC’s personal stash currently up for grabs via a very cool Facebook application, tres #geekchic!

Here’s how it works, just go to the blenderspridefashiontour Facebook Page page and click on the “Be Red Carpet Ready” tab. All you have to do is watch the Priyanka Chopra video and select the items you want most and get your Facebook friends to root for you, whoever gets the most votes wins!

Blenders Pride Fashion Tour – Be Red Carpet Ready

The Blenders Pride Fashion Tour (BPFT) is in its 7th edition and will feature Bollywood Diva and Brand Ambassador – Priyanka Chopra as the showstopper for Neeta Lulla on September 10th at ITC Sonar, Kolkata.

Priyanka Chopra