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Kajal Agarwal, Nothing Up Top.

Kajal Agarwal, Nothing Up Top.

Malini Agarwal

Alright people games up, everybody post your pictures on Facebook and let the public decide! Could this be a case for Photoshop forensics?

Kajal Aggarwal FHM, September 2011
Kajal Aggarwal FHM, September 2011

Kajal Agarwal: “I shot for the magazine,  but not this way. They have photo-shopped the picture. In fact, I still have the  pictures that I shot in the tube top.  Moreover, I did not give them an  interview. I’m not  the kind of person who would ever do a topless shoot.”

Ooooh gossip! So while I was busy busting copycat covers a whole other kettle of fish was brewing behind the scenes. Get this; Madame Singham aka Kajal Agarwal told the media that she never even posed for that picture! What now? Yup, she claims that the picture was distorted, she never posed topless and was wearing a black tube the whole time. (Also Kajal denies saying she would never wear a bikini or do a kissing scene in the interview.) Hahaha oh so that’s what she’s worried about, that nobody will cast her pristine ass. *Lol* 

Kajal Agarwal

FHM Kabeer  Sharma:  “FHM has never in the past or will in the future morph pictures of any  celebrities. To say that  the picture is morphed is an insult to both the brand  FHM as well as the  collective intelligence of the actress, her fans as  well as anyone with  half an idea about how Photoshop works.“

Meanwhile the editor of FHM Kabeer  Sharma is understandably fuming! He says, “We shot with Madam Agarwal on the 18th of August in Mumbai  and have a full team composed of assistants, stylists, make up artists,  photographers and others to back it up. We’d be happy to release the  full untouched raw pictures on the internet soon to back it up also.” Oooh snap. “Furthermore  we also have a model release form signed by Kajal herself. We don’t know what exactly made  Kajal change her mind after the shoot… but if she did, the magazine  really cannot be blamed.”

FHM Cover Girls

Who really knows what happened here but I’m leaning towards  Kabeer’s version. I mean FHM is a pretty legit mag (with some serious  cover girls in their repertoire), and if they were planning to Photoshop someone topless why on earth would they pick Kajal Agarwal?


By the by Kabeer, if you’re looking for a less controversial cover girl (who’ll probably even drop trou!), might I suggest Poonam Pandey? Just tell her it’s for the cricket special 🙂 xoxo