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Battle Blog: The Funniest Movie Ever Goes To…

Battle Blog: The Funniest Movie Ever Goes To…

Sue Castellino

The Hangover

The Hangover

It’s been raining buckets here in Pune, which means that there  is pretty  much nothing to do but stay at home and watch some movies.  With all the  gloomy weather outside I like to stock up on  some seriously comic  movies. They might be some of the stupidest  movies, but no matter how  many times you watch, they still keep you  laughing. Here are some of my  picks for the funniest comedies, vote at  the end for your favorite!

There’s Something About Mary

There’s Something About Mary

Just Go With it

Just Go With It

American Pie

American Pie

The Naked Gun

The Naked Gun

Scary Movie (All)

Scary Movie

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