There’s been so much talk about That Girl In Yellow Boots, it was about time we heard about it from the horse’s mouth. One afternoon at the Cha Bar in the Oxford Book Shop, we got together with the director and the cast of the film.

Anurag Kashyap was the one to take centre stage and open the discussion on the film. He was honest enough to admit that nobody he knew wanted him to make That Girl In Yellow Boots. The reasons were simple. After the success of Dev D and Shaitan, he had various opportunities to make mainstream films. But it was that belief that pushed him further to go ahead with the project.

The film’s budget, including marketing is only 3 – 3.5 crores. A rarity in today’s time, of course, everyone wanted to know how that was possible. Anurag explained that the film was literally shot day by day collecting money from well-wishers and others as the film progressed. A lot of the film also came together extempore. The actors improvised as they went along and the screenplay came together in the same manner.

Kalki Koechlin (lead actor of TGIYB and Anurag’s wife) and Gulshan Devaiya (of Shaitan fame) then demonstrated what they meant by performing a live skit. The skit was novel and funny. And also one that showed Kalki Koechlin rolling a cigarette. Everyone’s curiosity shot through the roof on watching that. Later, they asked her whether she was rolling a joint. Kalki explained that it was a cigarette and she used to smoke rolled tobacco but she has now quit. Her husband, Anurag, on the other hand continues to smoke. Interesting revelation!

It was a different kind of a promotional event to attend and I came back with some insight. That Girl In Yellow Boots has been doing the rounds of international film events to a great response. It hits theaters on the 2nd of September and I am very eager to watch it. Are you?