Derby Dressing

A vision of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman danced in my head when I first heard we were going to the derby this weekend. No, it was not the fishnet stocking lady of the night, but the white glove wearing beauty. Her classic outfit at the polo match was absolutely stunning. I quickly came back to reality and realized that there was no possible way I will ever look as put together for any derby in my life. Ever. If only I could be trusted with anything white, especially gloves! Giving my hopes of looking like I came from the Pretty Woman set, I decided to do some research on exactly what one wears to such an event. This Friday, let’s focus on dressing for the derby.
“If you don’t wear a hat to the Kentucky Derby, you’ll feel like the woman who wears jeans to a little black dress party.”
Women, it is all about you first.
1. Choose your hat first.
2. Dresses are a must. Remember to keep it simple as your hat will be your statement piece.
3. The derby is a daytime event so colors and floral prints are perfectly acceptable. Black and white is always a winning combination as well!
4. It’s a show for the hats, so your shoes won’t get much attention. Comfort is key. Cute flats are perfectly acceptable as heels can become problematic on the grounds. Wedges are also a safe, sexy choice
5. Don’t forget your subtle makeup and lots of SPF! No need for heavy eyeliner and fake eyelashes here. Go for a subtle lip and minimal eye makeup. It’s all about classy, not trashy!
Hat Tricks
1. Hats are believed to bring good luck to the derby.
2. Women never need to remove their hats. Men are expected to.
3. Hat should fit about 1-2 inches above your ears. If it’s any closer, you’ll end up with your ears sticking out and resembling Mickey Mouse.
4. For a classic Derby look, try a large, floppy hat. This can be decorated with anything from feathers to flowers.
5. For a modern Derby look, think the Royal Wedding. Copy a page out of the book of the new Duchess and rock a disc hat. These are super funky and less space consuming.
Let’s not forget about the boys….
1. Hats are important for the men too! Straw hats are my favorite for men as they are light and breathable. Sweaty heads are just not so sexy.
2. Shirts should be collared and crisp. White shirts are always a great choice. Try choosing a light fabric that doesn’t wrinkle easily. Sweaty pits combined with wrinkles… definitely
not cute.
3. Seersuckers and khakis are my preferred trousers for men at the derby. I think a classic and comfy look. Just make sure they are once again wrinkle free boys!
4. Boys in bow ties… swoon!! If you aren’t comfortable with a bow tie, a simple patterned tie will do. This is a quick way to add a little flair to your neutral colored ensemble.
5. Comfy, semi formal shoes, patterned socks and of course a bourbon on the rocks.