Happy Friday and a happy, happy birthday to my wonderful mother dearest! Because I can’t be there to do goofy birthday dances in the kitchen or stick straws in her hair during birthday dinner (true story!), this Friday is all about the cutest lady in the world and the life lessons she has passed down to me over the years. Here are 5 lessons to live by that I got from my mama:
I Got It from My Mama!

1. You only live once so take risks and be happy. You can always come home. This was the advice I heard when I called home from Thailand the day before my flight scared to death to inform my mom I was taking the semester off to backpack Southeast Asia. That positive, unwavering support has helped me make some of the best decisions in my life.
2. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. Haven’t mastered this one yet as I do tend to overreact, but I really try to repeat this phrase to myself when I let the little things bring me down. Smiles and sunshine are always much better!

3. The Keep it Classy Rule: You should only show legs, stomach or modest cleavage. Yes, ladies that means 1 out of 3. Combinations were not accepted in my household. (This rule does not apply to the beach, of course!)
4. Try every food as you never know what you will like. If you don’t like it, try it again and again. Thanks to my mother, I now enjoy crickets in chili sauce as well as popcorn dipped in hot chocolate. Totally NOT normal!
5. Everything evens out in the wash. When we were younger, we always compared who got what gifts, treats and so forth, and upon the complaint my mother would use her favorite saying meaning it’s all even in the end. I loathed this saying as a child, but as an adult I have found it’s a great way to look at things.
…..and so many more! xoxo