In case you were wondering why there was a dearth of glamour in our city the past week, it’s because the entire modeling fraternity were living it up in New York City even as our Bollywood brigade was busy taking-on-Toronto!
Make-up magician, Vipul Bhagat, shares a few tit-bits and EXCLUSIVE pictures of the show in New York with Ranjit Rodricks for MissMalini.

While going through Facebook this evening, I chanced upon some beautiful pictures of a fashion show that Vipul Bhagat had put up on his profile.
These were clicked by the master make-up artist backstage at the Hilton Hotel in New York. The show was organised by Sheetal Design Studio (the garment store) and the clothes were designed by legendary couturier Hemant Trevedi.
Hemant flew out India’s most glamorous models like Sanea Sheikh, Shamita Singha, Gaurav Arora, Aditi Govitrikar and even ex Miss Indias – Parvathy Omanakuttan and Amruta Patki.
The silhouettes were traditionally Indian and in bright colours like emerald green, turquoise, red, old-rose pink and orange. There was also a collection of pristine white Anarkalis with gold and silver embroidery on them.
And by any chance, was Paris Hilton at the show, being that it was held in her family hotel? “No,” laughs Vipul. “But our lovely ladies gave New York much more to talk about,” he says with a huge smile.
Of course, no trip is complete without oodles of fun and it looks like Vipul and the models began partying in the aircraft, itself!
They also had time for a bit of shopping and sight-seeing. And from the picture below, it looks like Vipul and Hemant took a really big bite (of fun) out of the Big Apple.