Yup, that’s probably me in a nutshell. And considering its now been several weeks since I got got rocked I think I better get cracking on the wedding planning! First up (and I knew this already) this is probably going to the most stressful thing to happen to our relationship. My normally supremely patient boyfri…(I mean fiancé!) is a tad snappy when it comes to this particular topic. His exact words I think were, “I’m not having the kind of wedding that takes 10 months to plan!” Hahahaha oh yes we are baby. Yes. We. Are! 🙂 So here’s what’s happened so far and I shall keep you posted on things as they progress, wish me luck and most importantly wish for me that things go at least 96% according to plan! xoxo
P.S. Like I always say, in a nutshell, you will find one nut. 🙂
Meet the MissMalini Wedding Planners!

This is perhaps the most crucial bit. The fact that Candice Pereira & Jarret D’Abreo (a cute-as-can-be couple themselves!) are on board makes me feel MUCH less hyper about the whole thing. Plus they really know their stuff. From whipping out wedding invitation options on our first meeting to adding smiley faces to all their emails (indicating that they are just as excited as I am) makes me love them even more 🙂 If you’re looking for planners by the way check em out on marrymeweddings.in and their blog on www.marrymeweddings.in/wpblog, and follow their tweets on @marrymeweddings.
Psst! Tell em I sent you and I’m sure they’ll throw in a cupcake or two!
Date Me!

Who’da thunk that picking a date involved so much back and forth? I’m beginning to think it’s easier to have some pundit pick one for you and then just shrug your shoulders and blame “that guy” when anybody complains or anything. For us of course the most important consideration was ensuring our family and closest friends can make it and that we can still afford to live in Bombay after we pay for it! First round we locked in on mid-December which in hind-site was probably asking for too much. Sure its vacation time but that’s why it’s twice the price, duh! We are now happy to report that we’ve honed in on a weekend in February which turns out is exactly a year from the day he proposed (say it with me, awwwwww!) Lol. So ya we’re good. Oh and there’s also the added little bonus of technically getting TWO weddings out of one since our Dhaka dates are still in December, maybe that’s why I’m subconsciously so happy these days, yaaay for me!
“The List” Lesson

So turns out this is the hardest part (so far) because remembering and writing down the names of everyone who’s ever meant something to me requires a lot of brain-wracking and several hundred rows in excel. I got to about 125 when I panicked that I was forgetting who I had already typed in when boy-genius (that would be you Nowshad) gave me the most brilliant idea. He suggested (and I think Karan we owe this to you) that I make my list by “groups”. For example, “Channel [v] gang”, “Friday Club”, “Page 3 peeps I actually really like!” (some of which do overlap but it makes it SO much easier to keep track and this way whenever I remember someone I need to add, they fit neatly into a particular group. So it’s more like 6 mini lists instead one monster one. It also helps to pain-painstakingly go through all your Facebook friends and gmail contacts so you don’t miss anyone. Chances are if they’re not “Facebook friends” and you’ve never emailed them they’re not making the cut for the wedding! So ya, that would be my advice to you, newbie bride even if you’re OCD organized about event-stuff like me all the little tricks help! 🙂
Venue Rekkie Mission 1

Our next move is a wedding reconnaissance mission in Goa this weekend. (I’m hoping my Friday Club/Ami’s birthday night-out at Trilogy on Friday doesn’t leave me in hangover hell for the 5am flight, note to self – alternate with water and NO shots!) I have my heart set on a few places in Goa (*fingers crossed Sunny!) already but I’ll be sure to post all the options so you can help me pick! Plus we’re compiling a pretty comprehensive list of places to stay for friends and fam so that might come in handy on your next trip too. See? I always think of you, no matter what I do! 🙂
Psst! Coming soon a few impress-the-in-laws moves that you too can adopt, some of which involve learning how to cook *gulp* and I think I just figured out what my invitations are going to look like yaay! stay tuned…