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10 Minutes on the Phone with Shahid Kapoor (on a BRU Break!)

10 Minutes on the Phone with Shahid Kapoor (on a BRU Break!)

Malini Agarwal

Maybe the fact that it was my birthday weekend had something to do with it but one big fat hug going out to Henna Punjabi for hooking up two awesome interviews in two days! First the gorgeous Priyanka Chopra and now the dishy Shahid Kapoor! The perfect BRU for interview magic 🙂

Shahid Kapoor
Shahid Kapoor

SK:  Hi Malini!

MM: Hi Shahid! I’ve really been looking forward to talking to you! I have a few questions about your BRU ad and I promised your Twitter fans I’d ask you some of their questions too!

SK: Sure sure, no problem 🙂 tell me…

MM: So, how do you take your coffee?

SK: Strong! And lots of it! I’m addicted to it and love the smell, its something very important for me to have first thing in the morning, music and coffee – strong and frothy!

MM: What’s the story of the new BRU ad?

SK: Basically its a line of premium coffees, it’s quite a cool ad actually and I get to do some stuff I’ve never done before! It’s me in my apartment and aromatic tasteful and exciting coffee!

MM: Anything interesting ever happen to you over coffee?

SK: Of course, you meet some of the most interesting people over coffee, some of the most interesting conversations I’ve had were over coffee, it goes great with getting to know someone or to boost you up!

MM: If you could have a cup of coffee with any one celebrity at all who would it be?

SK: Well I’ve already had Coffee with Karan (Johar) literally! But I’d love to have coffee with Raju Hirani, the filmmaker and understand what he’s all about!

MM: Describe yourself in 3 words…

SK: I can’t! I’m still discovering myself, but I guess I’m very simple, basic in nature and I’m told I’m a little moody, happy and jumping around one day and a little reserved the next!

MM: Describe BRU in 3 words…

SK: Well coffee of course! It’s strong and exciting… so Strong Exciting Coffee!

MM: Your ideal girl in 3 words?

I don’t think there can be an ideal girl, look for love don’t carry around a checklist and if you love someone everything about them becomes ideal. Just enjoy the pure beauty of love.

MM: What’s the best thing about Priyanka Chopra?

SK: I have a lot of good things to say about her! Usually I tell her directly, but ok I’ll tell you! I can tell you she’s hugely professional, extremely focused and committed and she brings sunshine with her wherever she goes…  I always say that… she is always smiling, happy and positive. Especially in the process of filming when so much is out of your control its wonderful to have someone positive around who sets the tone. Especially the leading stars and the director who are the helm of affairs, a beautiful co star with a big smile makes a big difference!

MM: I asked Priyanka Chopra a similar question… what movie most closely resembles your life?

SK: My life… it would take a series of movies to represent my life… trust me I’ve had quite a roller coaster ride! But it’s a good question, I should think about that! What did Priyanka say?

MM: Actually hers was a little different! I asked her who would best play her in the story of her life and she said she’s pretty complex so maybe she’d be the best person to play herself, I agree!

MM: How do you feel about being tagged “super cute”?

SK: I don’t take any tags seriously, as long as people like me and connect with me and think I’m easy to hang with and like my work, I’m happy. And of course I’m flattered 🙂

MM: And like I promised! Twitter Time! xoxo


MM: All your Twitter #Shanatics want to know, why aren’t you Tweeting these days?

SK: Actually I just tweeted a few hours ago! I’ve been having an  insane last two weeks shooting the climax of Mausam, its very hectic.  I’ve been sleeping in the morning and going straight to work at night,  I’ve had one day off to shoot this ad and then tomorrow I start Kunal  Kohli’s film so I’ve been all over the place with a million things  happening… but I’ll start Tweeting more, don’t worry 🙂


SK: Umm.. I think eyes… and shoes… see I think I’ve covered them top to bottom! Lol


SK: I never wish, I stopped wishing a few years back and everything started happening on its own, its much more beautiful let life or God give you what they want. Its good to wish for somebody else, so I wish for my family…  or anybody I love.. God has been very kind, I’ve always been a very basic guy and I’m very happy with what I have.


SK: Dream roll… hmm I want to do a film with Scarlet Johansson, I have the hugest crush on her and whatever role that is, with her as my co-star would be my dream role, no issues! *Lol*


SK: Too many good things, its an awesome profession I love everything about it, I really feel I was born to do it, I love the good and the bad. It allows you to experience a lot and makes you think constantly about different roles, you read about different people and try to enact them and try to represent them as closely as possible, real life human beings the way they really are.


SK: The trailer will be out very soon… it was quite an experience, different from everything else I’ve done and the most special film I’ve ever done, seriously, this is the one. I am very very happy and very proud to have been caste by my father and have this opportunity to work with him and I don’t know exactly when but the trailer will be out very soon!


SK: That’s great! I’m very happy to hear that 🙂


MM: Any parting words for your twitter fans?

SK: Just huge amounts of gratitude and love, its an extremely special feeling to know people like or love your work, that they love you and wish well for you, they have all my love and I am eternally grateful to them for contributing to my success!

So ya, he was adorable as expected. Easy going and friendly on the phone and he laughed a lot which was nice! I totally forgot to tell him I thought he looked smoking hot as the evil twin in Kaminey (damn) but I guess he already knows that! I also loved how he answered my question about PC with affection and honesty, I kinda hope they are together now lol. Watch the blog for more fun interviews MissMalini style and yup I’ll always keep your Twitter Qs is mind because I love you! xoxo