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Expat Unplugged: Five Things Fridays – Working Girl’s Survival Kit!

Expat Unplugged: Five Things Fridays – Working Girl’s Survival Kit!

Girls Survival Kit
Girls Survival Kit
Expat Unplugged Diary

Boredom. This is not a word you will find in my vocabulary while living in Mumbai. Living in this marvelous city means to me leading a nonstop lifestyle of working hard, playing harder… and spending hours in traffic a day. Not. So. Fun. Combine the traffic with last minute invites to attend to-die-for events and I am sometimes left panicking looking in the mirror and wondering exactly how I will pull off looking presentable without going home.  After a few minor almost embarrassments, I got smart and packed not one but two Working Girl’s Survival Kits. Although I wish I could keep mounds of makeup and outfits with me at all times, I’ve narrowed it down to these key items:

Five Things to Pack in Your Beauty Survival Kit:

Beauty Survival Kit

1. Travel Dental Kit – Toothbrush, paste, and floss. No one wants to be remembered for garlic breath.
2. Concealer – Dear concealer, Thank you for always covering up my biggest flaws. <3 Andrea
3. Polish Remover – Still using your 3 week old manicure to shake hands or hold a wine glass? Tsk. Tsk.
4. Roll On Perfume – Roll on is compact and potent. Roll away!
5.Travel size blush and mascara – I know, I know there are two, but who am I to tell you to choose just one? 🙂

Five Things to Pack in Your Wardrobe Survival Kit:

Wardrobe Survival Kit

1. Nude Heels – These little gems make your legs look longer and match with anything. Perfection!
2. Wrinkle Remover Spray – You will love me for this one day.
3. Baby Powder – I cannot say enough good things about baby powder. Try it in your sticky shoes after a long day, your hair as an oil combatant and even under your arms if you have forgotten deodorant.
4. Head Band – This can add polish and pizzazz to any style. Belts make great hair accessories as well. Call me crazy, but I wear them at least once a week on my head.
5. Necklace and Earrings – A little sparkle never hurt anyone.

What is in your Working Girl’s Survival Kit?