It is official, the people at Submerge and Blue Frog know how to throw a party. Everybody at the party looked like they had been hit by the mad hatter and jumping jack. If you don’t get it check out the video, I got some sneaky footage of a bunch of people standing in front of the funny mirrors completely cracking up. A photo booth was set up outside with tons of props to dress in, just in case you left your crazy behind it was provided for you. A photo is the perfect party giveaway, also on the plus side, it might help you remember things the next day! Inside, Blue Frog looked like an underground party with neon decor hanging from the ceiling, they even had neon plastic baby chairs hanging – strange but… Awesome. DJ Pearl, Nikhil and Janux played a great mix of EDM which only intensified the vibe at the party. The Mad Stupid Party was a great way to end the week and celebrate April Fools.
Psst! If you missed this party, my friends over at Submerge assure me that the Mad Stupid Party is not the last of it kind.