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Pooja Bedi, Harman Baweja, Anushka Manchanda, Narendra Kumar attend ‘Lights, Fashion, Music’ at Trilogy

Pooja Bedi, Harman Baweja, Anushka Manchanda, Narendra Kumar attend ‘Lights, Fashion, Music’ at Trilogy

Sue Castellino
Anushka Manchanda
Anushka Manchanda
Pooja Bedi, Keenan Tham and Ryan Tham
Pooja Bedi, Keenan Tham and Ryan Tham

Kimaya showcased their clubwear line of garments at Trilogy last Wednesday night. Models from around the world sashayed down the runway in short dresses, in various colours. The predominant colour however was mostly black, lets face it, when it comes to club wear we love to stick to our black don’t we? A club is not always the best location for a fashion show, but Keenan Tham of Trilogy begged to differ saying, “Lights, fashion and music have always been hand in hand. At Fashion  Night at Trilogy  we would like to extend this eternal mix to our guests  as they witness  the latest from the runway while indulging in  delicious cocktails and  soaking in a glamorous nightlife experience.” Not a bad mix actually, Especially since the next night was another fashion party for Trilogy – The Puma Social Club Suede Launch!
Spotted: Pooja  Bedi, Narendra Kumar, Anushka Manchanda, Lubna Adams, Nandita  Mahtani,  Harman Baweja, Bina Aziz, Siddharth Rawal, Parveen Dusanj and Ken  Ghosh

Bina Aziz
Harman Baweja
Parveen Dusanj
Lubna Adams with friends
Neha and Pradeep Hirani with Keenan Tham and Ryan Tham
Siddharth Rawal