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Ed Hardy 3rd Anniversary Celebrations: Win a FREE Tattoo!

Ed Hardy 3rd Anniversary Celebrations: Win a FREE Tattoo!

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Rihanna and her Tattoos
Rihanna and her Tattoos

Celebrity Tattoos: What’s Your Inspiration?

Personally, I love tattoos, mainly because it’s a visual representation of your personality and it’s permanent. My dream tattoo is inspired by the game snakes and ladders, but instead of a snake, I want a needle and thread. A simple tattoo that says something about me, that no matter how far you climb remember to always be grounded. There are different types of tattoos – Love, memorial, hobby/interest, family tattoos, the list goes on.
MissMalini Says: I love tattoos too, in fact I got mine at Al’s in Bombay and it stands for Love, Life & Loyalty. (The heart = love, the Egyptian Ankh = life and the ring = loyalty.) I’m now contemplating my next one, perhaps a few tiny stars on my left wrist because this is my time to shine, its all happening now 🙂
Grab a little inspiration for the Ed Hardy contest and win a free tattoo. What will your tattoo represent? Remember it’s permanent so think before getting inked!
What made these celebrities choose their tattoos?

Saif Ali Khan and his Tattoo
Hrithik & Suzanne Roshan and their Tattoos
Deepika Padukone and her Tattoo

Deepika Padukone’s RK tattoo is the perfect example of a love declaration tattoo (albeit one that went awry). So is Hrithik Roshan and his wife’s Suzanne tattoo, their matching stars are adorable. Oh! How can we forget Saif Ali Khan’s “Kareena” tattoo, remember the buzz around that event?!

David Bekham and his Tattoos

BTW! Ladies, it’s okay to stop an stare a little at David Bekham’s tattoos, and I know it’s not the tattoos we’re looking at. Drool! Just in case you don’t know what this contest is all about check out our previous post here.