Calvin Klein
Calvin Klein


It’s contest time again kids! Win a pair of super hot Calvin Klein Jeans courtesy moi, just tell me which Indian celebrity you think looks the hottest in denims? You know what the best part is? There are no wrong answers (maybe just fat ones lol!) post your answer on my Facebook Page or in the comments below now now now!
Psst! Watch out for my Calvin Klein

‘X experience’ at their store on Linking Road, Bandra this weekend 🙂

Lara Stone in Calvin Klein
Lara Stone in Calvin Klein

Didjya Know?

Calvin Klein Jeans – The original American designer denim wear brand, has further revolutionized the denim fit with the introduction of ‘Jeans X’, a new jean engineered to enhance and maximize aesthetics in a sultry way, with a lean and slim silhouette.  Sounds yummy!